A John Martyn performance is always a special occasion. For instance there was the time I watched him give a merry, impromptu recital on the grand piano in the lobby of the Albany hotel in Glasgow.
The manager was not amused and despatched two of his staff to haul the piano behind some curtains. The sight of John playing the piano with one hand and trying to hold on to it with the other whilst being gradually dragged further and further behind the drapes will live with me for ever!
He also made me laugh when he told me he happened upon his echo repeat technique by accident one day when he put the guitar down rather clumsily on the mantelpiece with the echoplex still on. 'I built part of my career on that dum, dum, dum, dum...' he said!
Never one to plug his records during his concerts John's success relied on the following he created by his genuine love and enthusiasm for the music, and its performance.
Jeff Griffin was Radio 1 FM producer at the time.