
Cultural Coup

Evening Times

The BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra will top the bill at Scotland's newest community arts festival. And popular musician Scot John Martyn is also expected to be a big draw.
Organisers of Clydesdale Cantrip are delighted at the number of top quality musicians and entertainers who have agreed to perform at the Lanarkshire festival.

John Perry's Fretwork

John Perry
International Musician & Recording World Vol 14 #4

John Perry discusses guitar tricks unique to John Martyn - as revealed by the man himself

Lanarkshire is hard country. Grey little granite houses huddle on the lee side of countless steep hills, and fast running burns rush down to join the headwaters of the River Clyde. Wind-swept sheep populate the fields and peat bogs, seemingly oblivious to the roaring air.
All in all it is tough country, and as such it's admirably suited to accommodate a man who has survived more than 21 years in a business which has found a dozen ways to kill off, stultify or suppress many of its greatest talents.

The Sweet and the Sour

Adam Sweeting
The Guardian

Adam Sweeting sees two seasoned performers back in action in London
Two enduring Celts played in London this week, both Sixties veterans who've survived upheavals of taste and style by sticking doggedly to their own version of events. Van Morrison, withdrawn and uncommunicative, filled the Hammersmith Odeon for a couple of nights, while John Martyn, nonchalantly stoned Glaswegian ex-folk singer, came to the Town & Country Club with his six-piece band to record a live LP.

John Martyn: "La falta de escuelas en Gran Bretaña hace que la innovación funcione sin respaldo técnico"

Albert Mallofre
La Vanguardia

El músico y cantante escocés ha vuelto a Barcelona después de diez años

Desde 1968 en que publicó sus primeros discos, John Martyn se ha acreditato como un valor sólido de la música pop británica, evolucionando constantemente en el curso de una ejecutoria solvente que ha contado siempre con un firme respaldo popular.

Martyn, Vent' Anni Di Rock Amando Il Jazz

Enzo Gentile
La Stampa

Incontro con il musicista che chiude stasera a Torino il suo breve tour italiano

Martyn, vent' anni di rock amando il jazz

MILANO — Ci sono ricorrenze che nel rock valgono doppio, ad esempio i ventanni di carriera di John Martyn, cantautore di qualità, primogenito di una generazione ormai agli sgoccioli: la sua resistenza, la sua fedeltà a un linguaggio musicale che mai ha goduto dei benefici riflessi del mercato, la costante bontà di prodotti discografici rimasti ad appannaggio di un pubblico abbastanza ristretto se paragonato al grande business, fanno di lui una specie di pioniere e insieme un superstite, uno di quelli che mai ha accettato di piegarsi alle regole delle mode e delle classifiche.

'Martyn' vandaag

Limburgs Dagblad

28 Mar 1986

'Martyn' vandaag

HEERLEN - We willen er nog even op attenderen dat het popconcert van John Martyn in de stadsschouwburg in Heerlen niet de volgende week vrijdag plaatsvindt, zoals abusievelijk eerder deze week vermeld, maar vanavond. Aanvang 20:00 uur.

Tiny announcement published in Limburgs Dagblad of Friday, 28 March 1986. Only included to prevent future misunderstandings.

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Het blijft onbegrijpelijk dat de Schot John Martyn, uitnemend componist, zanger en gitarist pas na twintig jaar uit de schaduw kan treden.

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