Mystery Man
04 Nov 1994
As John Martyn plays in Scotland for the first time in, ooh, too long, Alastair Mabbott looks back over the history of this musical alchemist.
04 Nov 1994
As John Martyn plays in Scotland for the first time in, ooh, too long, Alastair Mabbott looks back over the history of this musical alchemist.
07 Oct 1994
Il secondo appuntamento della stagione al «Folk Club» in via Perrone è saltato all'ultimo momento. Sabato 8 ottobre, era infatti atteso John Martyn, il fuoriclasse inglese. Ma martedì scorso è stato colpito da infarto. Sembra non sia grave, ma per ora è ricoverato all'ospedale di Birmingham e ne avrà per chissà quanto. Il fatto è che, insieme alla data torinese, sono saltati la bellezza di quaranta concerti già fissati in tutta Europa.
07 Aug 1994
Don't call it folk! John Martyn is 46, but he's not too old to kick up a stink if you dare lump him in with the finger-in-ear brigade. Paul Tingen dons his profanity-proof sou'ester to meet Britain's most eccentric and unique guitar stylist.
28 Apr 1994
Il cantautore scozzese John Martyn sarà in questi giorni in Italia per tre concerti: domani a Bergamo, il 30 a Bologna e il primo maggio a Vicenza. Promuove il tour l'agenzia «Musical box» di Cesena.
24 Oct 1992
Are there any plans to release national living treasure John Martyn's Glorious Fool album (WEA) on CD?
26 Jun 1992
John Martyn has been a cult figure on the pop music scene for more than 20 years.
14 Dec 1991
... liedjesschrijver en een nog groter zanger. De Schot is echter ook een wispelturig man, die tijdens zijn recente Nederlandse toer de mensen in zijn omgeving tot wanhoop dreef. Zijn bijna vijfentwintigjarige carrière, met onsterfelijke albums als Solid Air en One World, leverde hem geen fortuin op, maar hij kan redelijk van de muziek leven.
24 Oct 1991
Net als landgenoot Richard Thompson kan de Brit John Martyn bogen op een kwart eeuw ervaring in folk- en popkringen. Vanaf dinsdag Amsterdam (Paradiso), Den Haag (Paard, 30/10), Tilburg (Noorderligt, 31/10), Apeldoorn (Gigant, 2/11) en Utrecht (Tivoli, 3/11).
Very short announcement published in Trouw of Thursday 24 October 1991. One day later De Volkskrant made a similar but shorter announcement.
20 Sep 1991
John Martyn is one of Britain's best-loved troubadours. A pioneering folk singer during the sixties, his musical style has constantly changed over the years, breaking down the boundaries between reggae, jazz and pop.
He also has some of the itchiest feet in rock - John spends several months of each year on the road. He recently played more than 100 shows in Europe with hardly a night off.
01 Apr 1991
Few musicians have been held in such high esteem by critics and fans alike, without converting their cult status into commercial success, as John Martyn.