Album review

On The Cobbles - Independiente ISOM 43CD

10 Jun 2004
De Volkskrant
Gijsbert Kamer

John Martyn: On The Cobbles
Independiente/ Sony

De Schotse bard John Martyn was tijdgenoot en vriend van de betreurde Drake1 en komt na moeizame jaren, waarin een onderbeen werd geamputeerd, op zijn 22ste solo-album weer ijzersterk voor de dag. Zijn diepe stem klinkt nog altijd even soulvol. En de arrangementen zijn als vanouds folky maar doorspekt met een flinke portie jazz en funk.

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On The Cobbles

On The Cobbles - Independiente ISOM 43CD

1 Jun 2004
The Word #16


The Scottish folksmith collaborates with a Wurlitzer playing Paul Weller and the Verve's Nick McCabe on his latest release, laced with soft-rock guitars and experimental devilment.

This was published in the F.Y.I. section with a very small Lawrence Watson picture.
The same issue carried a story "Worst Luck" about the Johnny Too Bad documentary.

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On The Cobbles

On The Cobbles - Independiente ISOM 43CD

15 May 2004
The Times
Nigel Williamson

John Martyn


There’s a poignant dedication on John Martyn’s new album to the surgical team and nurses of orthopaedic ward one at Waterford hospital in Ireland, where last year he had part of one leg removed after an infection. But you can’t keep a good man down, particularly one such as Martyn who has had to deal with a variety of misfortunes in his troubled career, from chronic alcoholism to being produced by Phil Collins.

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On The Cobbles


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