Webmaster's blog

Best wishes for 2011

Things have gone a lot quieter on the webfront but this goes to wish you all a happy, healthy and satisfying 2011.
We know for a fact that this spring, John's final album Heaven and Earth will finally be released. Also several young artists are committed to contribute tracks to a John Martyn tribute album. I for myself have several ideas of enhancing this website and still have lots of work lying on the shelf. So it remains a good habit to visit Big Muff every once in a while. JM is here to stay...

Solid Air on solid vinyl again

Simply Vinyl are repressing their 180 grams vinyl reissue of Solid Air. They announce that production is on the way. The release date of the classic record is set to 11th October. It will be their first release in 2010. They claim it to be their best selling 180 grams title. The price is £ 21,99 so they are aiming at the higher end of the audio market.

Remastered & Expanded

This site has changed - A LOT. All releases have been rescanned; album, single, video and collaborations covers, amounting to a total of 250 270. The old scans were from 1998, which is the stone age in internet terms. With more bandwith available and higher standards, I changed the format of the regular covers to a more 21st century look. All main illustrations on the record pages are also clickable for substantial enlargement.

In the listings, you will notice thumbnails being available for all releases. This speedens up the recognition of wanted items. And it looks better, too.

The promo section has been totally overhauled, mostly resulting in more pictures per item. Each promo page containing more photographs also features a lightbox gallery.

Enjoy the hunt while waiting for the new Live At Leeds De Luxe release :o)


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