Webmaster's blog

Interesting Old Stuff...

Herman Gilligan was kind enough to send me a story from 1971: John Martyn Keeping Everything A Lot Less Rigid. It proves an interesting read from the Bless The Weather period. As it turns out, John had just finished writing May You Never, but he did not have a title for it yet. The working title was 'Close Brother', which is news to me.

Remastered and Expanded

This site is still under construction but has gained critical mass. All the stories and record pages found here haven been imported from html pages published earlier on Big Muff and then been revised. Many items and songs have been added. Release dates have been checked and often became more specific. In the process I also discovered new background information.


Phinally some Photos...

I installed photo gallery software which enables me to publish photographs much faster than using pure html. This way I can finally do some justice to the various people that have kindly sent me pictures over the past few years. Mostly they were taken during concerts.

Just click on Browse/ Pictures in the menu.


David Hannah sent me this picture of a painting his daughter made. David: "My daughter did it because I have been trying to find a painting of JM for a while as I collect pop art. She said she could do him justice!" We tend to agree with her, David..



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